Monday, December 18, 2006

Get Fresh Air AND Exercise

Your countryside needs you. I was out yesterday volunteering with the local wildlife trust again, clearing scrub to allow the Downland plants to recolonise the area.

Much of the English countryside has been farmed for many years and so it isn’t in it’s natural state. Grazing of sheep, cattle and ponies has an impact on the variety of plants and animals that inhabit a particular area. Grazing here on the South Downs has resulted in the chalkland fauna and flora, much of which would disappear if it wasn’t for the grazing and the work of volunteers keeping the scrub down.

Most local councils and wildlife trusts do not have the funding and resources to manage the land, so they rely on the work of volunteers and there is always far too much work to be done and not enough volunteers.

If you’d like to get involved, it only involves one day a month and most working parties don’t work over the summer. You get out into the fresh air for a few hours. Work hard, there are always a variety of tasks for different physical strength and abilities. It’s very rewarding even if you only feel your scratching the surface of what needs doing. We started at 10.00am and were finished by about 2.30pm but carried on chatting, admiring our handiwork and sitting in the sunshine for another hour.

If you work for a company – why not organise a day out for your team. Most companies these days get involved in the community as part of Corporate Social Responsibility so why not do something worthwhile and make a difference to your local countryside.

Local Wildlife Trust Volunteering
British Trust for Conservation Volunteers
RSPB Volunteers

OK ... I'm sorry this is very UK centric but I hope that our European/International members can find something similar in their area.

I found this for the US - National Wildlife Federation

Feel free to add any other useful links to this post.

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