Happiness Is A Warm Puppy
You know some people like to have the latest gadgets and gismos as soon as they come out.
They seem to have the very latest of everything, mobile phone, computer, TV. Apple launches their i-phone, they’ll be first in line with their credit card, everyone seems to have the latest plasma, wide-screen, HD TV (except me), latest dishwasher, new cars every couple of years, going to the latest hot spot for their holiday. I know someone like this, they’re always buying gadgets and updating their computer. Ask them if their happy and the answer is a muttered “not really”.
When asked what makes people happy – the answer isn’t … the latest gadget or a new widescreen TV – it’s spending time with their partner, friends and family. Simple things like enjoying a glass of wine in the sunshine with friends on a summer’s evening or being in a beautiful part of the world or hearing their children laugh.
Do more of what makes you happy, less of what doesn’t and spend your money on what makes you and those close to you happy, not for short-term, short-lived satisfaction.
I'll just go and find a warm puppy! :)
They seem to have the very latest of everything, mobile phone, computer, TV. Apple launches their i-phone, they’ll be first in line with their credit card, everyone seems to have the latest plasma, wide-screen, HD TV (except me), latest dishwasher, new cars every couple of years, going to the latest hot spot for their holiday. I know someone like this, they’re always buying gadgets and updating their computer. Ask them if their happy and the answer is a muttered “not really”.
When asked what makes people happy – the answer isn’t … the latest gadget or a new widescreen TV – it’s spending time with their partner, friends and family. Simple things like enjoying a glass of wine in the sunshine with friends on a summer’s evening or being in a beautiful part of the world or hearing their children laugh.
Do more of what makes you happy, less of what doesn’t and spend your money on what makes you and those close to you happy, not for short-term, short-lived satisfaction.
I'll just go and find a warm puppy! :)
Labels: family, make a difference, money

I totally agree!!! Life is meant to be savored. If technology (or anything for that matter) is a controlling factor in your life, than you should re-evaluate your lifestyle.
But, technology can improve upon a lifestyle. In fact, technology makes you and me happy every day. I think the problem you have identified is people expect happiness to come from an external source. Happiness come from within. :)
I find technology useful and satisfying. Whether I am using my computer, or my new Pulse smartpen (which I am in love with and could write pages about, pun intended), I am using technology and that makes me happy. So do what makes you happy.
Just to be nice and pass on my latest addiction to technology; check out Livescribe's Pulse smartpen. I found a coupon for 10% off of the pen if you purchase it on the website. The code is PulseBTS10.
Anyways, keep doing what makes you happy, and I hope this comment helped.
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