Monday, April 27, 2009

Getting Back To Nature

It's been a glorious weekend here in the UK and no better time to get out and about and enjoy the sunshine, fresh air and nature bursting into bud in every corner. The summer visitors are on their way - swallows, cuckoos and the nightingale. The spring flowers are in bloom - carpets of bluebells and clusters of primroses.

We spend so much time in our offices, sat at computers, breathing recycled air that when the opportunity arises, we should get outside into the fresh air and re-acquaint ourselves with the cycle of life that goes on regardless of the state of the economy, falling property prices and the rising cost of living.

When you're shut away in an office, apart from noticing that it's now light when you leave work, it can be difficult to notice the passing of the seasons unless you're looking forward to your summer holiday in the sun or your winter skiing trip.

Sunshine is good for us. Going for a walk in the fresh air revitalises tired bodies and minds. Make a point of spending time with your family and friends at the weekend and enjoy a bit of nature - it's free and it's better than either spending the weekend indoors ... still working on the computer or trekking round the shops buying things you don't really need.

If you really want to enjoy nature - how about growing a few vegetables? Anyone can grow tomatoes, you just need a large pot (or two) and there's nothing better than picking them straight from the bush. Beats anything you buy in the supermarket. More people are growing their own these days and you don't need a lot of space to get started with just a few salad vegetables.

I'll be doing just that again this year in my little patch of Edible Garden. Not only will you have the pleasure of eating something you've grown yourself but you'll find a great way to unwind after a busy day.

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Take Time To Make Time

"The greatest saving of all is better utilisation of our time. This directly affects practically every phase of the business in terms of expense and profits" Leo Burnett

Two of the things that people always want more of is time and money, so if you save one you could get more of the other, if you use that saved time wisely.

When people are busy, rushed off their feet, too much to do - is exactly the time when they need to stop what they're doing and actually take stock but is often when they feel they can't afford to stop what they're doing. It will save time if

So, if you are really busy and it's become the 'norm', think about what it is that your doing. Are you focusing on the right things that are going to make a difference? Are you busy being busy with no real plan or purpose, wasting time on lower priority activities that won't give you the results you need or are you simply just doing too much?

If you want more time - take time to make time.

How good is your time management - compare your results with the quick and easy Time Management Audit.

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Monday, April 06, 2009

Mums - Look After Yourself

I often find myself talking to Mum’s who are not only running their business but looking after a family and juggling their time around children and childcare, organising a home and never consider having time out for themselves. In fact, many of them actually feel guilty about doing anything just for themselves, so used are they for doing things for everyone else. They'll always consider everyone else and make sure they're fine before they think about themselves.

No wonder they’re tired, worn out and exhausted at the end of the day. So this week, if you’re a working wife and Mum, take some time out for yourself. Whether it’s just a break to meet up with a friend for coffee or lunch in a child-free zone, to put your feet up for a couple of hours or go to bed early with a good book, or relax in the bath with your favourite music.

If you’re partner to a working Mum, yes, I know you’re working hard too but how often does your partner get a total break just for herself. Having time to totally relax and unwind is important for all of us but this week – especially for Mum’s.

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