Monday, February 23, 2009

It's Starting That Matters

This weekend I took part in the Brighton Half Marathon. The prospect of running 13.1 miles (21km) is pretty intimidating at the best of times, especially when you haven’t done a lot of training leading up to it. So last week I decided that rather than risk injury, I wouldn’t be running. The longest run I’d done in the previous wintry weeks was 50 minutes – only a third of the time I was likely to take. However, my fellow runners persuaded me that I could always drop out if I wanted or walk it.

Now as a coach, who encourages my clients to challenge themselves, this might seem like a defeatist attitude but actually what I find tends to happen, is that if you take the pressure off achieving a goal, what seems like a real challenge becomes far less intimidating and you’ve taken out the emotional and mental pressure of achieving it. All I was going to do now was go out for a “gentle Sunday jog” and if I ended up walking it that was OK too. This meant that I didn’t have anything to lose and was under absolutely no pressure from myself (at least) to complete it.

Of course having other people I knew taking part helps as a motivator but as I set off, I didn’t worry about the entire distance or even completing it (well, not much), I settled into my pace (slow) and focused on just getting from one mile marker to the next. Each one taking me one mile closer to the finish line. If I had to slow down and walk that was OK too, as long as I didn’t stop completely. Having made it to eight miles there were only five to go and then four, three, two and then into the home stretch and I was hardly about to give up with the finishing line in sight.

So, if you have a big goal that seems just a little overwhelming or you can’t see the end point when you start off, just think about the first few steps and take one step at a time. You don’t have to go full tilt all the way, if you need to slow down or go at your own pace and not everyone else’s, then do that. No one says you have to come in first, it's starting and finishing that matters, not how fast you do it.


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Monday, February 16, 2009

Random Connections

Recently I’ve been spending time in the world of social media. As well as being the latest way to keep in touch and connect, it’s becoming a more accepted way of marketing your business – if you look at it as an additional tool for promoting your business and not just for social purposes. Although it can end up being just another distraction to an already busy day, it can also be another example of where random connections can make a difference in unexpected ways.

It doesn’t only happen online. Out in the real world, you don’t know where a conversation or chance remark might lead, or where talking to a stranger at a network meeting, in a queue, sitting next to someone might take you. I’m often coming across opportunities which seem to pop out of nowhere and as a result of random connections.

How many times have you had a chance meeting or conversation. which has then lead to something unexpected. Keep your eyes open for them.

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Monday, February 09, 2009

Show Them You Care

It's that time of year when everything's coming up roses, cards, chocolates, compilation CDs of love songs, perfume, diamonds, tables for two, as long as it's pink and heart-shaped. Well, it is if you're thinking about your loved one and preparing a special surprise or treat for that certain day.

However, showing someone you care about them shouldn't be for just one day. Make time to connect with the special person in your life - even if you've been together for years, don't take each other for granted just because you're so familiar with each other. Reconnect with why you decided to spend time with this person in the first place. Have children and the day-to-date routine of life prevented you from really appreciating each other. Are you too busy, too tired, too stressed to enjoy each other's company?

Resolve to spend more than one day a year treating your partner. It doesn't have to be cards, flowers or chocolates but something that shows you care. A little something, a big surprise. Make time to do something special every once in a while.

And if you're single ... treat yourself. You deserve it too.

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Monday, February 02, 2009

Time Flies ...

"The bad news is time flies. The good news is you're the pilot." [Michael Altshuler]

There's another saying, "time flies when you're having fun" and that's something else we tend to notice. When we're absorbed in the moment, we're not so aware of the passage of time. However, when we're waiting for something to happen, or the kettle to boil - it seems to take ages.

You're in control of where your time goes, what you do with it and how you spend it. Use it wisely. Once it's gone you can't get it back and unlike money, you can't make get more of it. We're all likely to waste time in the day, either intentionally or unintentionally. Saying you never have enough time is an indication that maybe you need to look at where you're currently spending your time and where you'd rather be spending it.

How much time do you need to make a difference? Look at small ways in which you can save time and little things you can do that will make a big difference. Rather than waiting for the kettle to boil or a file to download use those few minutes to do something productive.

When time flies - make sure that you're going in the right direction.

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