Monday, July 28, 2008

How Much Time Have You Got?

We all know there are only twenty-four hours in a day, no matter how hard you try or wish there were just a few more. Having worked out how much your time is worth last week, let’s think about how much time you have each day to get things done.

From the time you wake up to the time you go to bed there are about sixteen hours in each day, unless you’re the sort of person who can manage with very little sleep.

Work will take up a large chunk of this time, together with travel time, which could be anything from two minutes, if you’re lucky enough to work from home, to two or three hours if you have a daily commute. Allow about two hours for personal tasks, such as washing, cooking, cleaning and eating.

Sleep – 8 hours
Work – 8 hours
Travel – 2 hours
Personal – 2 hours

Total = 20 hours

That only leaves four hours or so, to do with what you want. Four hours to fit in exercise, seeing friends and family, shopping, relaxation, doing the things you enjoy and if you have a family with young children, probably even less, so it makes sense to use it wisely.

While watching TV can be a good way to relax and unwind it’s also a good way to suck up much of that free time that could be spent on more productive or beneficial activities, such as getting in some exercise or spending time with family and friends, socialising or just ‘switching off’ completely.

If you can’t seem to find enough time to get everything done – take a look at how you’re spending those ‘spare’ hours and see if there’s a way to re-prioritise what you’re doing.

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posted by Clare Evans at 1 Comments

Monday, July 21, 2008

What's Your Time Worth?

Do you know how much your time is worth and would you be inclined to fritter it away on things that don't add value if you knew what it was costing you?

If your time is charged at an hourly rate – how much is each hour of your time worth – to either you or your boss? To get some perspective on where you’re spending your time, know what your hourly rate is.

What is your annual salary? ____________

What is your weekly rate? ____________
(Based on working weeks in the year)

What is your hourly rate? ____________
(Either that you actually charge or the number of hours you actually work on your business).

Now you know what your hourly rate is, use it as a guide when you’re looking at how and where you spend your time. If you could find an extra hour a week or even an hour a day, what would that really be worth to you? How much more could you achieve?

Think of where you could delegate your time rather than spending an hour of your time on admin or doing your accounts when that hour could be spent earning money for your business.

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posted by Clare Evans at 0 Comments

Monday, July 14, 2008

Happiness Is A Warm Puppy

You know some people like to have the latest gadgets and gismos as soon as they come out.

They seem to have the very latest of everything, mobile phone, computer, TV. Apple launches their i-phone, they’ll be first in line with their credit card, everyone seems to have the latest plasma, wide-screen, HD TV (except me), latest dishwasher, new cars every couple of years, going to the latest hot spot for their holiday. I know someone like this, they’re always buying gadgets and updating their computer. Ask them if their happy and the answer is a muttered “not really”.

When asked what makes people happy – the answer isn’t … the latest gadget or a new widescreen TV – it’s spending time with their partner, friends and family. Simple things like enjoying a glass of wine in the sunshine with friends on a summer’s evening or being in a beautiful part of the world or hearing their children laugh.

Do more of what makes you happy, less of what doesn’t and spend your money on what makes you and those close to you happy, not for short-term, short-lived satisfaction.

I'll just go and find a warm puppy! :)

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posted by Clare Evans at 1 Comments

Monday, July 07, 2008

We're All Going On A ... Summer Holiday

It’s coming up to that holiday time of year when in the next couple of months, most people will be looking forward to their annual two week holiday. Make sure you’re in a position to wind down before your holiday with time to finish all your tasks so you’re not having to work long hours just to clear the decks before you go away.

Be realistic about what you can achieve in the last few days before you go. Do the important tasks first and don’t waste time on things that can wait until your return or be done by someone else. Write out everything you need to do – including updating your voicemail message and setting an auto responder. Hand over work to a colleague if that’s practical. Don’t dump work on them.

If you don’t want to be inundated with unnecessary emails from your online networking groups – switch off any email notifications before you go, as you certainly won’t have to time to catch up with all those messages and it’s unlikely any of them will be that important.

And don’t even think about going away and taking your work with you. Taking your phone and laptop with you just so you can catch up or keep on top of things isn’t the best solution. You might feel your business will fall apart or your office won’t be able to function without you if you’re not in touch for a few days but is that really the case or an unfounded fear? If it’s the former then you really need to do something to change that. Even if it’s your own business you can still take a break without worrying about business, it just takes careful planning. Let people know in advance when you’re going away and plan work round your holiday time.

Make this year the year you go away on holiday having completed all your tasks in good time. Leave your laptop and office phone at home and really enjoy the break.

Get more detail, tips and information in July's newsletter.

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