Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Walk A Mile ...

... in someone else's shoes.

We see the world through our own two eyes. How we interpret it is based on our own experience and knowledge of the world. That experience is developed as soon as we open our eyes at birth and start to understand and learn about the world around us.

Other people will have different experiences from us. They see the world differently and will interpret it based on their own knowledge, experience and values.

Someone's behaviour may seem strange or upsetting to us but not only does this tell us something about how and why we react in a certain way but it also tells us something about them.

Think before reacting - seek first to understand.


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Monday, August 03, 2009

How To Be Idle

This is the title of a book I picked up over the weekend - it's written in a very tongue in cheek way but while it might be the sort of book you think I'd be recommending you read, there's a lot to be said for the lost art of idleness.

In today's busy, busy world, we're constantly on the go from morning until night. We get bombarded with information from all directions and never seem to get a moment to ourselves. We cram so much into our day that we rarely have time to stand and think. We're often so physically and mentally drained that we don't get the opportunity to take a step back and re-evaluate where we're going and look at ways of changing.

Part of 'managing' your time more efficiently and productively is also about having more time to do nothing. Instead of thinking about how to do more, think about how to do less.

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