Monday, April 28, 2008

Making Assumptions

We make assumptions all the time. Taking for granted things around us because we think we understand a particular situation or person. When you make assumptions about something or someone what you’re actually doing is guessing. It might be an educated guess, based on the facts and information available at the time. We make decisions based on assumptions and if these assumptions are wrong we can end up in hot water.

However, we need to test our assumptions every now and then to confirm that we do have a correct understanding and actually asking questions can be a good way to make sure that we’re not assuming or presuming too much. If you’re not sure or you think you’re making an assumption then ask. Ask your clients, your friends our your family. Don’t assume that you know all the answers.

What assumptions do you make about situations that you find yourself in every day. What assumptions do you make about the people around you?

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Monday, April 21, 2008

You Are Who You Are

Following on from last weekend’s work it’s stirred up some interesting discussion and awareness. When you take a step back to look at the bigger picture, it often results in a desire for change. It doesn’t always mean that a whole transformation is going to take place – at least not overnight. There are things that we can change - learn new skills, adopt new habits but our basic character is harder to work on. Certain beliefs are so hard wired into our system that they’re harder to change.

It’s far easier to accept who you and what you have rather than strive for more and more. When you do, you’re likely to find that when you get there – you’ll want more. There’s never enough or you find something else that’s not quite right and put off allowing yourself to enjoy the moment because there’s a better one ahead.

Stop where you are and look at the positives that you already have. We can be our own harshest critics, far tougher than any one else. Be grateful for what you have and for the people around you but also be grateful for the freedom you have, your thoughts, feelings and emotions even the challenges you face.

Give yourself a pat on the back for what you’ve achieved, for what you’ve learnt and how far you’ve come already.


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Monday, April 14, 2008

Life Changing Moments

I stepped in at the last minute to run a course this weekend. Eight people took two whole days out of their busy lives to take a step back to look at their lives and start creating changes. We worked through the Life Balance Wheel, created a Big Picture of their ideal life and spent most of the second day creating meaningful goals and actions.

A group of people who didn’t know each other at the beginning, spent two days, being challenged and sharing some fairly personal details about their lives. Not that I asked – it was just part of the process. They came out with clarity, focus and had time to reflect on some big issues in their lives. They listened, shared, reflected and supported each other – it was wonderful to see their growth over the weekend, how they opened up and some of the realisations they made.

Of course, now the hard work really begins. So often we attend courses or read an inspirational book but it’s all too easy to slip back into the daily routine. I’ve given them tools, tips and strategies to keep the motivation going but as the saying goes “You can lead a horse to water”. They took the first step in signing up for the course. I will certainly be keeping in touch to make sure that they’ve at least completed the actions that they committed to this week.

While I was exhausted by the end of the weekend, so were they. It’s not often that we put so much mental energy into focusing on our lives. If you haven’t done so already – give yourself some time and space to take a step back. Look at how balanced your life is – is there one area that could do with some attention? Don’t be afraid to dig a little deeper below the surface, you might be quite surprised at what turns up.

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Monday, April 07, 2008

Can You Survive Without Technology?

We’re surrounded by technology 24 hours a day. Mobile phones mean that we can be contactable wherever we are day or night (as long as they’re switched on and in range). Laptops mean we can work anywhere. We can be working even when we’re not in the office.

However, there’s a downside to all this technology and being constantly contactable. Firstly if it goes wrong you’re stuck. How do you carry on if the technology fails? Secondly, being constantly around technology means that we can never get away from it or we feel a reluctance to let it go – hence we end up taking it with us … just in case.

How many people take their mobile phone, PDA or laptop away with them on holiday? Perhaps your business is so critical that you can’t possibly be out of contact for a minute. What would happen if you left your mobile phone at home or on your desk while you went to a meeting? Would it really matter if you didn’t answer that email as soon as it arrives in your inbox or respond to a phone call. OK, I appreciate that in some instances you need to respond promptly in order not to lose business but it doesn’t have to be that way.

Make sure that you’re not totally dependent on your technology. Put a process or system in place to handle things if you’re without it for a while – either for a day or when you’re on holiday. Backup essential details and information, so that you can maintain contact in the event that your mobile, PDA or laptop is lost, stolen or crashes.

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