Monday, November 23, 2009

Work Hard Play Hard - Live Longer

Do you prefer to work hard, play hard and not worry about the consequences or do you look after yourself so you can live life to the full for as long as it lasts?

While healthy eating and fitness doesn't guarantee a long life, many people are living longer and enjoying a disease free old age.

Giving up short-term health and fitness and long-term plans may mean you enjoy drinking and eating what you want without worrying about the long-term effect this might have on your body as you get older - diabetes, heart disease, cancer, high blood pressure.

These days - retirement certainly isn't the time to wind down, put your feet up and wait for the inevitable. More and more people are enjoying their retirement and the freedom it brings.

Children are grown up and have families of their own. They're not tied to a job and they have the freedom to travel, can spend time with their grandchildren, family and friends.

So do you think looking after your health is a waste of time or a good long-term investment in your future?

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posted by Clare Evans at 3 Comments

Monday, November 16, 2009

What's That You're Eating?

Living in today's fast paced world we grab snacks, eat on the go and throw ready meals in the microwave in order to save time.

No wonder obesity is rising. 'Fast food' and processed food is often full of fat and sugar - just what we should be avoiding.

Be aware of what you're putting your body. Something that's low in sugar is likely to be high in artificial sweeteners. Food low in fat will have fat replacements, to replace the bulk and texture as well as flavourings.

Ready meals can be full of chemicals to maintain the flavour and act as preservatives and have been treated to extend their shelf life.

Don't believe the labels that claim 'healthy', 'good for you', 'low fat', 'low sugar' - sometimes it's nothing more than marketing. If it's low fat doesn't mean it's not high in sugar. Labelling something as 'natural' or healthy and providing a suitably enticing image doesn't necessarily make it so.

Check the label - if the list of ingredients is longer than the average supermarket shopping receipt or contains things you don't recognise, avoid it.

Parents should be even more aware of what you're giving your children. It may be easy, convenient or colourful but is it really good for them?

Fresh is best and variety is the spice of life ... or a good diet.

Be food aware and label savvy.

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posted by Clare Evans at 0 Comments

Monday, November 02, 2009

Go With The Flow

I'm just back from my tai chi session this week. Much of the practice is about going with the flow and not putting up resistance.

It's good to remember this in our day to day lives. When we resist or go against the flow - like walking the wrong way in a crowd of people going in the opposite direction, or swimming against the tide - things become hard, we constantly have to watch where we're going, adjust and get stressed - it's like trying to push water uphill ... a waste of time and energy.

When you encounter resistance in your life - relax and go with the flow. Much less like hard work. Ride the current - don't swim against it.


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