Monday, November 26, 2007

Finishing on time

If you work from home do you find that you’re getting tempted to work extended hours just because your office is just next-door or that you end up working sporadically throughout the day?

Just because you work from home doesn't mean that you can't create structure in your day. While you might not want to work 9-5, think about hours that work for you. How many hours a day do you need/want to work? Would you like to have some time off during the day/week? Make sure that you spend time planning what needs to be done each day and that it fits with your business plan and goals. What would be a good start time ... 7.30am, 9.30am? What is a good/reasonable time to finish ... 3.30pm, 6.30pm? If you’re in the habit of working most evenings, aim to finish work a little earlier on at least a couple of evenings a week. Take a half-day off during the week and work a little later one evening if you need to.

Make sure that you plan in breaks too. All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy (or Jill). You won't work as effectively or be as productive if you're working constantly and not taking breaks. Even if you work from home, so the 'office' is never far way, set yourself a cut-off time each evening and make sure you get breaks during the day. Take at least one day off at the weekend. If you're doing what needs to be done then you're working more efficiently, you won't get so tired out or feel guilty when you're not working. After all, why should you?

Think about what you need to get done, plan it in accordingly and don't work for the sake of it. If you want to cut down your hours - look at prioritising what's currently on your list of roles and responsibilities and see what you can change about the way you're currently working.

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Monday, November 19, 2007

Reclaim yourself

Some of the people I work with – particularly Mum’s have lost a sense of who they are. They’ve been working in the roles of wife and mother for so long they’ve forgotten who they used to be all those years ago. They rarely get time to do something just for them. Always thinking about someone else other than themselves or feeling guilty if they do.

Who were they before they became a wife and mother? What did they used to enjoy? Have things worked out as they’d planned? That said, I don’t think there are many of us who planned our lives and then find that things worked out as expected. Life has a way of happening just when we don't expect it.

If you’re a working mum, a busy mum or a dad for that matter – have you lost a sense of who you are? In fact this could be applied to most people who get stuck in the day to day routine. Reclaim yourself. Take some time out this week to do something you really enjoy and haven’t done in a while. Think about something you’ve always wanted to learn or try and enrol on a course or book it up. Get your partner, family and friends involved in doing something new.

Think about yourself this week.


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Monday, November 12, 2007

Not Turning Up

Last week seemed to be a week of cancellations and missed appointments.

Now I know that life gets in the way and we can't always allow for the unexpected but do you often end up having to cancel things at the last minute. People often seem to take the time and effort to book, register or sign-up for meetings, seminars and workshops and then just not turn up. Sometimes they may have a valid reason, sometimes it’s just a symptom of disorganisation, poor planning or over commitment.

If you've agreed to be there - the expectation is that you are going to turn up. If you have to change your plans or realise that you can't make it, call the person at the first and earliest opportunity to let them know. They've made an effort to arrange things in the first place, so respect the other person’s time as much as you would expect someone to respect yours.

Many people seem to say yes when what they actually mean is, probably not or they haven’t really thought about it but just say yes anyway. If you're always saying yes to things and then not turning up or letting people down at the last minute, start being more realistic with your time. Don’t say yes if you’re not sure. Don't over commit - make a tentative arrangement if you need to and then confirm nearer the time but agree this upfront, so that the other person isn't left in doubt or can follow-up if they haven’t heard from you.

What gets in your way to make you miss an appointment, you've committed to?

What can you change so that you don't make commitments you can't keep?

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